[BD欧美演唱会][Yes乐队1972年演唱会高清修复版 Yes:Yessongs (2012) 40th Anniversary Special Edition]ISO 34.5G

英文片名:Yes: Yessongs
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:英文


Title: Yes: Yessongs

Released: 2012

Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock

Directed by: Peter Neal

Artist: Jon Anderson (lead vocals), Chris Squire (bass guitar, backing vocals), Steve Howe (electric and acoustic guitars, backing vocals), Rick Wakeman (keyboards), Alan White (drums)


YESSONGS YES has always been regarded as a unique rock group and progressive rock legends. Never afraid to innovate or draw their inspiration from music that traversed the spectrum from symphonic to rock, YES has been at the forefront of progressive rock and became a major force in popular music selling over 30 million albums and reaching platinum status multiple times worldwide. During the late 1960s YES were renowned for their live performances culminating in their seminal album and film of the same name, YESSONGS. Filmed in1972 at London s Rainbow theatre, this feature film was released theatrically in the UK the following year with a quadrophonic sound track. The film features their new line-up of Jon Anderson, Chris Squire, Steve Howe, Rick Wakeman and Alan White, and having fallen off the radar for nearly forty years and only being available previously in poor quality bootlegs, this official Blu-ray release has been scanned and restored by Pinewood Studios Post Production into a stunning High-Definition picture and 5.1 surround sound restoration to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the live Yessongs concert. This limited edition collector s release also includes four new YESSONGS artwork cards specially created by Roger Dean for this release, and over one hour of new and unseen extras in HD. Featured tracks include: I’ve Seen All Good People, Clap, And You And I, Close to the Edge, Excerpts from 6 Wives of Henry VIII, Roundabout, Yours is No Disgrace and Excerpts from Starship Trooper EXTRAS Beginnings (1975) HD restoration of Steve Howe s guitar short, previously thought lost (12 mins) New 2012 HD documentary on Yessongs featuring Steve Howe, Roger Dean and Chris Squire (60 mins) New YESSONGS artwork cards specially created by Roger Dean for this commemorative edition Technical Details 1973 British Colour 84 Minutes Original restored mono track, plus newly created DTS HD MA 5.1 Remix.


1. Overture

2. I’ve Seen All Good People

3. Clap

4. And You And I

5. Close to the Edge

6. Excerpts from “6 Wives of Henry VIII”

7. Roundabout

8. Yours is No Disgrace

9. Excerpts from “Starship Trooper”

Issued: United Kingdom | Odeon

Duration: 1:11:51


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Yes乐队1972年演唱会高清修复版 Yes:Yessongs (2012) 40th Anniversary Special Edition]ISO 34.5G


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