[BD欧美演唱会][艾德·希兰 黄老板2015年温布利球场演唱会 Ed Sheeran:Jumpers For Goalposts – Live At Wembley Stadium][BDMV]38.5G

英文片名:Ed Sheeran: Jumpers For Goalposts – Live At Wembley Stadium
中文片名:演唱会 (2015)
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
文件大小:38.49 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Ed Sheeran的魅力是要听live才能领会的,没有几十上百套演出服装,没有乐队和华丽的舞台,他的Live只用一把吉他加上性感迷人的嗓音就能切切实实的打动你,初听惊艳,再听迷人,听多了就无可救药的爱上。他的歌词都美得像诗,歌里满是他的真实情感与真实经历,每首歌都有故事。JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS是2015年他在温布利球场连唱三晚场场爆满的纪录片,看他一人,一吉他,一话筒,一舞台带燃现场数万名观众。

Title: Ed Sheeran: Jumpers For Goalposts – Live At Wembley Stadium
Release year: 2015
Genre: Pop Rock, Acoustic, Folk, Alternative / Indie Rock, Singer / Songwriter
Directed by: Paul Dugdale
Artist: Ed Sheeran – guitar, vocals; Sir Elton John – piano, vocalsDescription:Jumpers for Goalposts brings together Ed’s captivating performances from the biggest shows of his career at Wembley Stadium in July 2015, where he wows the 80,000, including ‘The A Team’, ‘Sing’ and ‘Thinking Out Loud ‘- and there’s even a surprise duet with Sir Elton John.As well as his breath-taking onstage performance, Jumpers for Goalposts is intercut with the story of Ed’s triumphant road to Wembley, presenting a revealing and personal glimpse into life, backstage and on the road, along with an honest and intimate reflection by Ed-and Those closest to him.Tracklist:
01. I’m A Mess
02. Lego House
03. Photograph
04. Bloodstream
05. Do not
06. I See Fire
07. Do not Go Breaking My Heart
08. Thinking Out Loud
09. The A Team
10. You Need Me, I Do not Need You
11. Sing
Bonus Tracks:
12. Afire Love
13. Drunk
14. Tenerife Sea
15. Take It Back / SuperstitionIssued: United Kingdom | Asylum / Atlantic
Duration: 1:46:07


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][艾德·希兰 黄老板2015年温布利球场演唱会 Ed Sheeran:Jumpers For Goalposts – Live At Wembley Stadium][BDMV]38.5G


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