[BD欧美演唱会][Frank Marino – Live at the Agora Theatre 2019]BDMV 44.7G

Disc Label: Frank Marino Agora Theatre
Disc Size: 48,021,436,081 bytes
Protection: AACS
Playlist: 00012.MPLS
Size: 21,491,810,304 bytes
Length: 2:36:38.188
Total Bitrate: 18.29 Mbps
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 15101 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit

“They said it would never happen! Frank Marino, Live At The Agora. A unique, once-in-a-lifetime, all encompassing, career-spanning concert experience, captured in exquisite FID and packaged in a lavishly designed box-set, containingl BluRay and 3 DVD discs. . Digging deep into his vast back catalog of music and including some never before performed songs, Frank and his band deliver a stunning tour-de-force that is truly unlike anything his fans or anyone else have ever witnessed before.”
“If you’ve never heard Frank Marino play live, you’ve never heard Frank Marino. Now, with this Live Concert Performance filmed at the storied Agora Theater in Cleveland Ohio, not only will you hear him but you will experience it as if you were right there. Absolutely stunning FID camera shots, close-ups and angles directed by two-time Emmy Award nominee Chris Hilson, director of numerous Bruce Springsteen videos, along with impeccable FID audio-production produced by Marino himself, this concert-performance represents the very best of the legendary rock-guitarist. From songs to jams, hard-rock to ballads, blues to jazz and the simple to outright psychedelia, this concert encompasses almost six hours of the very best of this multitalented and unique iconic player.”

Set 1

Intro – Guitar
A New Rock & Roll
All In Your Mind
Child Of The Novelty
I’m Going Away
Are You Experienced
Bold As Love
The Wind Cries Mary
Blues Guitar Intro
Red House
The Answer
Chains Of Space
Space Unchained
Set 2
Long Ago
Requiem For A Sinner
In My Ways
It’s Begun To Rain
Strange Dreams
Rise Above
IV… (The Emperor)
Window To The World (Excerpt)
IV… (The Emperor) (Return)
You Got Livin’
Finish Line
Midnight Highway
Maybe It’s Time
Tryin’ Anyway
Go Strange
Set 3
Heat Of The Moment (Excerpt)
Poppy (Return…)
She’s Not There
She’s Not There (Return)
Poppy (Return)
Guitar Prelude ( … To A Hero)
Stories Of A Hero
Something’s Cornin’ Our Way
He’s Calling
Let There Be…
Strange Universe
Ode To Creation
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Ain’t Dead Yet (Excerpt)
Back To The Hall
Slippih’ And Slldin’
Back To The Hall Again
Two ‘n’ Four
Rattle Of Sabres
Electric Reflections Of War
О Little Town Of Bethlehem
The World Anthem
A Prayer For Peace
Try For Freedom
Amazing Grace


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Frank Marino – Live at the Agora Theatre 2019]BDMV 44.7G


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