[BD欧美演唱会][An Evening of Nostalgia with Annie Lennox 2015]ISO 20.9G

英文片名:An Evening of Nostalgia with Annie Lennox
中文片名:演唱会 (2015)
类 型:纪录
地 区:美国
文件大小:20.96 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: An Evening of Nostalgia with Annie Lennox
Released: 2015
Genre: Soul, Jazz


An Evening Of Nostalgia with Annie Lennox captures one of music’s most popular and acclaimed artists in her only full concert performance of songs from her Grammy-nominated Nostalgia album. Fronting a 19-piece band – including string and horn sections – and unveiling striking lighting and production elements created especially for this concert, Lennox demonstrates her distinctive vocal and performance talents on an array of classic American standards, ranging from “Summertime,” “Georgia On My Mind “,” Strange Fruit “and” God Bless The Child “to one of rock’n’roll’s most enduring classics,” I Put A Spell On You. “As she does on her Nostalgia album that spawned this one-of -a-kind concert, the singular approach Lennox brings to these classics enables them to resonate for a 21st Century audience. The artist concludes her extraordinary show with a four-song selection of her own hits performed solo at the piano, including “Here Comes The Rain Again,” “No More I Love You’s,” “Why” and “Sweet Dreams.” Beautifully filmed by director Natalie Johns at the downtown Los Angeles art-deco landmark Orpheum Theatre on January 28, 2015, An Evening Of Nostalgia with Annie Lennox is a truly unique concert performance that music fans the world over can now experience for themselves.

01. Memphis In June
02. Georgia On My Mind
03. I Put A Spell On You
04. Summertime
05. I Cover The Waterfront
06. Strange Fruit
07. God Bless The Child
08. You Belong To Me
09. September In The Rain
10. I Can Dream, Can not I
11. The Nearness Of You
12. Mood Indigo
13. Here Comes The Rain Again
14. No More I Love You’s
15. Why
16. Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)

Issued: United States | Blue Note Records
Duration: 1:07:42


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][An Evening of Nostalgia with Annie Lennox 2015]ISO 20.9G


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