[BD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛2015巡演 Kiss Me Once Live at the SSE Hydro 2015][BDMV]40.5G

题 名:Kiss Me Once Live at the SSE Hydro, 2015
歌 手:Kylie Minogue / 凯莉·米洛
语 言:英语
格 式:M2TS
画 面:1080I
流 派:Pop
时 长:1:49:43

After the release of her album Kiss Me Once, the pop whirlwind known as Kylie Minogue set off on an ambitious world tour that took her everywhere from Monte Carlo to Istanbul to Sheffield. Playing before rapturous crowds with a stage show that could only be described as elaborate, Kylie ran through a set that included hits from her impressively long career. From “The Loco-Motion” all the way up to “Les Sex” from the new album, every song is a sparkling nugget of pop greatness brought to life in front of the crowd. This CD/Blu-Ray set captures a November show at Glasgow’s SSE Hydro arena, and if you were unfortunate enough to have missed the tour, this comes about as close as one can get to actually being there. Just close your eyes and imagine lots of pink lights, sequins, and feathers as the music plays.

曲 目

01. Breathe / Les Sex Intro
02. Les Sex
03. In My Arms
04. Timebomb
05. Wow
06. Step Back In Time
07. Spinning Around
08. Your Disco Needs You
09. On a Night Like This
10. Slow
11. Enjoy Yourself
12. Hand On Your Heart
13. Never Too Late
14. Got To Be Certain
15. I Should Be So Lucky
16. Skirt
17. Need You Tonight
18. Sexercize
19. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head
20. Kids
21. Beautiful
22. Kiss Me Once
23. Get Outta My Way
24. Love At First Sight
25. Tears On My Pillow
26. Locomotion
27. All The Lovers
28. Into The Blue
29. End Sequence (Kmo Instrumental)

30. Sleepwalker
31. Chasing Ghosts – Screen Visual
32. Sexercize – Screen Visual
33. Skirt – Screen Visual
34. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Screen Visual
35. In My Arms – Screen Visual


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛2015巡演 Kiss Me Once Live at the SSE Hydro 2015][BDMV]40.5G


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