[BD欧美演唱会][波兰黑金属乐队 巨兽 黑暗展览 现场撒旦主义者 BEHEMOTH MESSE NOIRE LIVE SATANIST 2018][BDMV]43.5G

Disc Size: 49,103,249,342 bytes
Protection: AACS
BD-Java: No
Playlist: 00000.MPLS
Size: 22,062,317,568 bytes
Length: 1:21:18.750
Total Bitrate: 36.18 Mbps
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 28000 kbps / 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4018 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit

标题:巨兽 – 黑暗展览:现场撒旦主义者
艺术家:Adam“Nergal”Darski – 主唱,吉他; Zbigniew“Inferno”Promiński – 鼓; Tomasz“Orion”Wróblewski – 低音,伴唱; Patryk“Seth”Sztyber – 吉他伴奏

波兰著名的黑金属乐队BEHEMOTH,黑暗金属历史中重要的一个名字,1991年既开始了他们疫病般的传播。他们在Pagan Records发行了2张Demo磁带以后,以CD的方式发行了第三张小样,From The Pagan Vastlands卖了几千个拷贝。随后Pagan Records为他们发行了第一张全长专辑《Sventevith Storming Near Baltic》。很短的时间内,乐队连续发行了细碟《And Forests Dream Eternally》以及第二张大碟《Grom》。这时的BEHEMOTH乐队不但被地下的黑暗金属音乐人所认同,同时也被整个金属界所了解。


■ Commented singer, guitarist and mainman Nergal: “Messe Noire. Well, that is everything that the BEHEMOTH live magick represents, and we‘re stoked that we have a true representation on record for everyone out there to enjoy. ’Messe Noire‘ captures the true intensity of what we do as a band and the energy we share with our fans. This is also an exclamation mark, the perfect way to conclude ‘The Satanist’ cycle which has been an overwhelming experience and amazing chapter in Behemoth‘s career and our lives so far! By the release of Messe Noire we would like to hail our legions all around the world for undying support! Now let the art speak….”
Messe Noire includes the band’s victorious shows in Warsaw, Poland on October 8, 2016 and Brutal Assault 2016 as well as The Satanist cinematic archive featuring all official videos associated with the band’s globally successful record of the same name.

? Messe Noire: Live Satanist (Recorded at Progresja in Warsaw, Poland, 10.08.2016)
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
2. Furor Divinus
3. Messe Noire
4. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer
5. Amen
6. The Satanist
7. Ben Sahar
8. In the Absence ov Light
9. O Father O Satan O Sun!
10. Ov Fire and the Void
11. Conquer All
12. Pure Evil and Hate
13. At the Left Hand ov God
14. Slaves Shall Serve
15. Chant for Ezkaton 2000
? Messe Noire: Live Assault (Official Bootleg, Recorded at Brutal Assault Festival in Jaromer, Czech Republic, 08.13.2016)
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
2. Furor Divinus
3. Messe Noire
4. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer
5. Amen
6. The Satanist
7. Ben Sahar
8. In the Absence ov Light
9. O Father O Satan O Sun!
10. Ov Fire and the Void
11. Conquer All
12. Chant for Ezkaton 2000
? The Satanist: Cinematic Archive (Production Videos)
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
2. Messe Noire
3. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer
4. The Satanist
5. Ben Sahar
6. O Father O Satan O Sun!


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][波兰黑金属乐队 巨兽 黑暗展览 现场撒旦主义者 BEHEMOTH MESSE NOIRE LIVE SATANIST 2018][BDMV]43.5G


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