[BD欧美演唱会][Steel Panther – British Invasion 2012 720P][BDMV]40.9G

英文片名:Steel Panther: British Invasion
中文片名:演唱会 (2010)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:40.92 GB, 蓝光原盘 720p
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Steel Panther: British Invasion
Released: 2010
Genre: Rock, Heavy Metal, Glam Metal
Artist: Michael Starr (lead vocals), Satchel (guitars), Lexxi Foxx (bass), Stix Zadinia (drums)


STEEL PANTHER are the hottest band to come out of Hollywood since Motley Crüe, Guns N Roses and Poison ruled the Sunset Strip. Arriving in 2009 with debut album ‘Feel The Steel’ hailed by Kerrang! magazine as ‘close to perfect’ Steel Panther has won a legion of fans across the world. Filmed in 2010 in London, ‘The British Invasion’ will finally see a release this year, after almost 2 years of anticipation. The release features the full set of hilarious tongue in cheek songs filmed at Brixton Academy in 2010. Steel Panther get a lot of stick, but they are what they are, an ’80s metal / hard rock’ tribute band ‘(formerly known as Metal Skool). Debut album ‘Death to all but Metal’ did extremely well, and now the band are riding high off follow-up ‘Balls Out’. Onstage, the band both pays tribute to and lampoons the heyday of 80s glam metal. The group’s between-song comedy includes jests at conflict between band members, discussions of drugs, sex, and improvised humor with the crowd.

01. Eyes of a panther
02. Eatin ‘is not cheatin’
03. Fat girl
04. Hair solo
05. Party all day
06. Hell’s on fire
07. Stripper girl
08. Asian hooker
09. Turn out the lights
10. Girl from Oklahoma
11. We want pussy
12. Community property
13. The shocker
14. Death to all but metal
15. 30 Minute Documentary
16. Deleted Scenes
Bonus Tracks From Download Festival 2012
17. Supersonic Sex Machine
18. Community Property
19. Tiger Woods
20. 17 Girls In A Row
21. Death To All But Metal (feat. Corey Taylor from Slipknot).

Issued: United States | Guitar Anarchy
Duration: 01:39:18 + 00:30:21 (bonus concert) + 00:27:34 (bonus documentary)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Steel Panther – British Invasion 2012 720P][BDMV]40.9G


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