[BD欧美演唱会][Rush – Beyond The Lighted Stage 2010 Blu-ray AVC 1080p 音乐纪录片][BDMV]35.6G

Feature-length documentary about the band + full-length, never-before-seen performances of: “Best I Can” and “Working Man” (with John Rutsey, performed live at Laura Secord SS, Spring 1974), “La Villa Strangiato” (live at Pinkpop 1979), “Between Sun And Moon” (recorded at Hartford, CT, June 28th 2002), “Far Cry” and “Entre Nous” from the Snakes & Arrows tour and “Bravado” and “YYZ” from the R30 tour.


The Film
1 Start
2 The Suburbs
3 Finding Our Way
4 The New Guy
5 Assuming Control
6 Teminally Unhip
7 Drinking The Milk Of Paradise
8 Making Modern Music
9 The Gilded Cage
10 New World Men
11 The Yoda Of Drums
12 Ghost Rider
13 The Return
14 Revenge Of The Nerds
15 Tail Credits

Special Bonus Features
16 Being Bullied And The Search For The First Gig
17 Reflections On Hemispheres
18 Presto And Roll The Bones Rap
19 The Rush Fashion
20 Hobbies On The Road
21 Rush Trekkies
22 Pre-Gig Warm Up
23 Best I Can
24 Working Man
25 La Villa Strangiato
26 Between The Sun And Moon
27 Dinner With Rush At A Hunting Lodge
28 Far Cry
29 Entre Nous
30 Bravado
31 YYZ


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Rush – Beyond The Lighted Stage 2010 Blu-ray AVC 1080p 音乐纪录片][BDMV]35.6G


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