[BD欧美演唱会][Joe Bonamassa Tour de Force Live in London Complete 2013 Blu-ray 1080p AVC DTS-HD 5.1][4BD][ISO]153G

Disk 1 The Borderline

01. Albion (intro)
02. I Know Where I Belong
03. Spanish Boots
04. Your Funeral, My Trial
05. Blues Deluxe
06. Pain And Sorrow
07. Happier Times
08. Steal Your Heart Away
09. Miss You, Hate You
10. The River
11. Burning Hell
12. Don\’t Burn Down That Bridge
13. Story Of A Quarryman
14 Are You Experienced?
15. World’s End (Credits)

Disk 2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire

01. Albion (intro)
02. Slow Train
03. So It\’s Like That
04. Midnight Blues
05. Last Kiss
06. So Many Roads
07. Band intros
08. You Better Watch Yourself
09. Chains & Things
10. Lonesome Road Blues
11. Stop!
12. I Got All You Need
13. The Great Flood
14. The Ballad Of John Henry
15. Asking Around For You
16. Further On Up The Road
17. World’s End Credits

Disk 3 Hammersmith Apollo

01. Albion (intro)
02. Seagull
03. Jelly Roll
04. Richmond
05. Athens To Athens
06. Woke Up Dreaming
07. Cradle Rock
08. When the Fire Hits the Sea
09. Dustbowl
10. Dislocated Boy
11. Driving Towards The Daylight
12. Who\’s Been Talking
13. Jockey Full Of Bourbon
14. Tea For One
15. Lonesome Road Blues
16. The Ballad Of John Henry
17. Sloe Gin
18. Just Got Paid
19. World’s End (Credits)

Disk 4 Royal Albert Hall

01. Albion (intro)
02. Palm Trees, Helicopters and Gasoline
03. Seagull
04. Jelly Roll
05. Black Lung Heartache
06. Around the Bend
07. Jockey Full Of Bourbon
08. From the Valley
09. Athens to Athens
10. Slow Train
11. Last Kiss
12. Dustbowl
13. Midnight Blues
14. Who\’s Been Talking
15. Happier Times
16. Driving Towards The Daylight
17. The Ballad of John Henry
18. Django
19. Mountain Time
20. Sloe Gin
21. Just Got Paid
22. World’s End (Credits)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Joe Bonamassa Tour de Force Live in London Complete 2013 Blu-ray 1080p AVC DTS-HD 5.1][4BD][ISO]153G


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