[BD欧美演唱会][Alice Cooper s Halloween Night of Fear 2011 Blu-ray 3D AVC 1080p LPCM 2.0][BDISO]28.8G

Alice Cooper takes over Halloween with a sensational concert featuring show stopping performances filmed in 3D. Cooper has specially selected three of the UK’s most dangerous performers to appear with him on stage. Their bizarre acts will feature guillotines, electric chairs, blood special effects and fire-eaters. With this added dose of British barbarity, this remarkable concert will be the most spooktacular Halloween celebration of them all. Alice Cooper’s Halloween Night of Fear concert was recorded at Alexandra Palace with supporting performances by New York Dolls and Arthur Brown.


01. Black Widow
02. Brutal Planet
03. I’m Eighteen
04. Under My Wheels
05. Billion Dollar Babies
06. No More Mr Nice Guy
07. Hey Stoopid
08. Is It My Body
09. Halo Of Flies
10. I’ll Bite Your Face Off
11. Muscle Of Love
12. Only Women Bleed
13. Cold Ethyl
14. Feed My Frankenstein
15. Clones (We’re All)
16. Poison
17. Wicked Young Man
18. Killer/I Love The Dead
19. School’s Out/Another Brick In The Wall
20. Elected


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Alice Cooper s Halloween Night of Fear 2011 Blu-ray 3D AVC 1080p LPCM 2.0][BDISO]28.8G


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