[BD欧美演唱会][屠戮者:无情的杀戮 Slayer The Repentless Killogy 2019]BDMV 22.3G

Disc Size: 23,995,087,183 bytes
Protection: AACS
Playlist: 01003.MPLS
Size: 22,357,057,536 bytes
Length: 2:10:44.083
Total Bitrate: 22.80 Mbps
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 19999 kbps / 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: Undetermined / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit

Revenge, murder, bloodshed, and retribution, the Slayer Repentless Killogy is a perfectly packaged story reflecting these values that most look down upon. This is the story of Wyatt who used to run with the wrong crowd. Wyatt is a former Neo Nazi associated with a gang known as “The Hand Brotherhood” whose signature mark is a bloody handprint left after a murder had taken place. Wyatt left his gang after he fell in love with Gina, a woman who saved his life after a brush with death from those who wanted revenge on him and his gang. Wyatt and Gina go into hiding to start a family and escape his tarnished past. The Hand Brotherhood are not going to let this happen. The Repentless Killogy Short Film is the combination of music videos from Slayer’s last full-length release “Repentless”, threaded through a film narrative that ends with Slayer performing a sold-out show at Los Angeles’ iconic Forum. The 2-cd & vinyl formats “The Repentless Killogy (Live at The Forum in Inglewood, CA)” contain the entirety of the concert, consisting of 21 tracks

01. A Lone Burial
02. You Against You
03. Repentless
04. Pride In Prejudice
05. The Hand Brotherhood
06. Poor Richard
07. David’s Heart
08. Elizabeth
09. William’s Winch
10. The Angel
11. There You Are Luther
12. Denouement
13. Credits
Live at The Forum in Inglewood, CA
14. Delusions Of Saviour / Repentless
15. The Antichrist
16. Disciple
17. Post Mortem
18. Hate Worldwide
19. War Ensemble
20. When The Stillness Comes
21. You Against You
22. Mandatory Suicide
23. Hallowed Point
24. Dead Skin Mask
25. Born Of Fire
26. Cast The First Stone
27. Bloodline
28. Seasons In The Abyss
29. Hell Awaits
30. South Of Heaven
31. Raining Blood
32. Chemical Warfare
33. Angel Of Death
Repentless Animation [00:06:59]


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][屠戮者:无情的杀戮 Slayer The Repentless Killogy 2019]BDMV 22.3G


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