[BD欧美演唱会][Moonspell – Lisboa Under The Spell 2018 Blu-ray AVC 1080p LPCM 2.0][BDMV]44.8G

Exclusive video set with 3 live shows recorded at the Campo Pequeno arena in the band’s hometown of Lisbon, Portugal; each show is a full album played live: ‘Wolfheart’ (1995), ‘Irreligious’ (1996) and ‘Extinct’ (2015).


I. Band Documentary – band documentary by Victor Castro

II. Wolfheart Show – full album played live

01. Wolfshade (A Werewolf Masquerade)
02. Love Crimes
03. Of Dream And Drama
04. Lua D’inverno
05. Trebaruna
06. Ataegina
07. Vampiria
08. An Erotic Alchemy
09. Alma Mater

III. Irreligious Show – full album played live

01. Perverse Almost Religious
02. Opium
03. Awake!
04. For A Taste Of Eternity
05. Ruin & Misery
06. A Poisoned Gift
07. Raven Claws (Feat. Mariangela Demurtas)
08. Mephisto
09. Herr Spiegelmann
10. Fullmoon Madness

IV. Extinct Show – full album played live

01. All Gone From The Wild (Intro)
02. Breathe (Until We Are No More)
03. Extinct (Feat. Carolina Torres)
04. Medusalem
05. Domina
06. The Last Of Us
07. Malignia
08. Funeral Bloom
09. A Dying Breed
10. The Future Is Dark

V. Making Of – show day

VI. Gallery (By Paulo Mendes) – live and backstage pics


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Moonspell – Lisboa Under The Spell 2018 Blu-ray AVC 1080p LPCM 2.0][BDMV]44.8G


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