[BD欧美演唱会][Motley Crue – The End – Live in Los Angeles 2016 Blu-ray AVC 1080p LPCM 2.0 DTS-HD MA 5.1][BDMV]35.4G

On December 31, 2015, before a sold-out Staples Center arena in Los Angeles, Mötley Crüe bid their final farewell. Their 35-year career as a band ended with a spectacular New Year’s Eve performance in their hometown, just a few miles from where it all started on the Sunset Strip. Mötley Crüe: The End – Live In Los Angeles – presented earlier this year in theaters worldwide – captures performances of such mega-hits as “Kickstart My Heart,” “Girls, Girls, Girls,” “Smokin’ in the Boys Room,” and “Dr. Feelgood.” Eagle Rock Entertainment brings the show home on DVD+CD, Blu-ray+CD, and Digital Formats on November 4, 2016.


1 Girls, Girls, Girls
2 Wild Side
3 Primal Scream
4 Same Ol’ Situation (S.O.S.)
5 Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
6 Rock N Roll Part II / Smokin’ In The Boys Room
7 Looks That Kill
8 Mutherf***** Of The Year
9 In The Beginning / Shout At The Devil
10 Louder Than Hell
11 Drum Solo
12 Guitar Solo
13 Saints Of Los Angeles
14 Live Wire
15 T.N.T. (Terror ‘N Tinseltown) / Dr. Feelgood
16 Kickstart My Heart
17 Home Sweet Home

Bonus Features
18 Interviews With Motley Crue
19 Nikki’s Flamethrower Bass
20 Tommy’s Drum Rig


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Motley Crue – The End – Live in Los Angeles 2016 Blu-ray AVC 1080p LPCM 2.0 DTS-HD MA 5.1][BDMV]35.4G


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