[BD欧美演唱会][Dream Theater Distant Memories Live in London 1080p 2020 2xBlu-ray AVC TrueHD 5.1][BDMV][2BD]49.6G

Title: Dream Theater: Distant Memories Live in London
Keywords: progressive metal, guitar, virtuosity, drums
Date Published: 2020-11-27
IMDb Rating: 8.5/10 from 11 users
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13711166/
Directors: François Lamoureux / Pierre Lamoureux
Actors: James LaBrie / Mike Mangini / John Myung / John Petrucci

Dream Theater: Distant Memories Live in London is a movie starring James LaBrie, Mike Mangini, and John Myung. The much anticipated Distance Over Time Tour Celebrating 20 Years Of Scenes From A Memory had its two final performances…

1. Untethered Angel
2. A Nightmare to Remember
3. Fall Into the Light
4. Barstool Warrior
5. In the Presence of Enemies – Part 1
6. Pale Blue Dot
7. Scenes Live Intro
8. Scene One: Regression
9. Scene Two: I. Overture 1928
10. Scene Two: II. Strange Déjà Vu
11. Scene Three: I. Through My Words
12. Scene Three: II. Fatal Tragedy
13. Scene Four: Beyond This Life
14. Scene Five: Through Her Eyes
15. Scene Six: Home
16. Scene Seven: I. The Dance of Eternity
17. Scene Seven: II. One Last Time
18. Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On
19. Scene Nine: Finally Free
20. At Wit’s End
21. Paralyzed (Bonus Track)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Dream Theater Distant Memories Live in London 1080p 2020 2xBlu-ray AVC TrueHD 5.1][BDMV][2BD]49.6G


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