[BD欧美演唱会][King Diamond Songs For The Dead Live 2019 Blu-ray MPEG2 1080p DD 2.0][BDMV]37G

英文片名:King Diamond: Songs for the Dead – Live
中文片名:演唱会 (2019)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:37.08 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音 轨:英语 AC3 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

King Diamond’s return to the stage captured live on video! Watch King Diamond and his band: Andy La Rocque, Mike Wead, Matt Thompson, and Pontus Egberg perform the legendary album “Abigail” in its entirety. The live set also includes fan favorite songs from both the King Diamond and Mercyful Fate catalogs of music: “Melissa,” “Welcome Home,” “Come to the Sabbath,” etc. Two stellar shows are being presented here to fans: King Diamond’s 2017 performance at Graspop Metal Meeting, and the November 25, 2015 show at The Fillmore in Philadelphia, PA. Director Denise Korycki worked closely with King Diamond himself on everything from lighting to camera placement to bring to life the first true band approved live experience for fans to take home.


Live At Graspop Metal Meeting – June 17, 2016
1 Out From The Asylum
2 Welcome Home
3 Sleepless Nights
4 Halloween
5 Eye Of The Witch
6 Melissa
7 Come To The Sabbath
8 Them
9 Funeral
10 Arrival
11 A Mansion In Darkness
12 The Family Ghost
13 The 7th Day Of July 1777
14 Omens
15 The Possession
16 Abigail
17 Black Horsemen
18 Insanity
Live At The Fillmore In Philadelphia – November 25, 2015
1 Out From The Asylum
2 Welcome Home
3 Sleepless Nights
4 Eye Of The Witch
5 Halloween
6 Melissa
7 Come To The Sabbath
8 Them
9 Funeral
10 Arrival
11 A Mansion In Darkness
12 The Family Ghost
13 The 7th Day Of July 1777
14 Omens
15 The Possession
16 Abigail
17 Black Horsemen
18 Insanity



山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][King Diamond Songs For The Dead Live 2019 Blu-ray MPEG2 1080p DD 2.0][BDMV]37G


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