[BD欧美演唱会][John Williams – Live in Vienna [Mutter,VPO] 2020][BDMV]43.6G

Wiener Philharmoniker – Anne-Sophie Mutter
Label: Deutsche Grammophon
Release Date: 08/14/2020
Recorded January 18/19, 2020 at the Musikverein, Vienna, Austria


The legendary American film composer John Williams conducts the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra for the first time – “Visit from the dear God” was the title of the standard, “standing upright jubilant choirs at their first appearance: as if God was received by earthly disciples. John Williams in Vienna documents the historical performance – “a very special honour” in the life of the composer Symphonic Hollywood sounds on the stage of the Vienna Musikverein – the world-famous orchestra plays iconic themes from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park and other milestones in film history. Star guest Anne-Sophie Mutter with adaptations for violin arranged especially for her by Williams Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park – the soundtracks of the master of cinematic magic John Williams are among the most popular in the history of film and have received numerous prestigious awards, including five Oscars, five Emmys, four Golden Globes and twenty-five Grammys. Now the legendary American film composer has recorded the most famous, beautiful and touching cult themes for the first time with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. “Star moments of film music” was the headline of the Wiener Zeitung, “Hollywood’s grandmaster thrilled audiences with excerpts from his life’s work at the Vienna Philharmonic.”

Williams’ two concerts at the Vienna Musikverein on 18 and 19 January 2020 were the first performances the composer has ever conducted in continental Europe. Working with the Vienna Philharmonic was “a very special honour” in his life. In addition to Williams and the orchestra, another exceptional artist was on stage in the first half of the concert: Anne-Sophie Mutter. Thus the conductor and the violinist continued their artistic partnership after their joint album Across the Stars. The new album “John Williams in Vienna” combines cult themes from E. T., Jaws, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and other milestones in film history as well as two previously unreleased adaptations, specially arranged by Williams for Mutter, for violin of “Devil’s Dance” from The Witches of Eastwick and “Raider’s March” from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Of course, the world-famous “Imperial March” from Star Wars should not be missing. “One of the best performances of this march that I have ever heard,” Williams noted.

The limited Deluxe Edition “John Williams – Live in Vienna” is the only version that contains the unique concert experience on Blu-ray with additional 6 tracks. Including a breathtaking Dolby Atmos surround sound mix for the perfect concert experience at home (available as video and audio-only version) As a bonus: an interview by Anne-Sophie Mutter and John Williams from the Vienna Musikverein. The standard CD as well as Blu-ray disc is presented in a high-quality digipack in Blu-ray format with a noble gold foil look on the cover.

◎曲  目

01. Flight to Neverland from Hook
02. Excerpts from Close Encounters of The Third Kind
03. Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (*)
04. Theme from Sabrina (*)
05. Donnybrook Fair from Far and Away (*)
06. Devil’s Dance from The Witches of Eastwick (*)
07. Adventures on Earth from E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
08. Theme from Jurassic Park
09. Dartmoor, 1912 from War Horse
10. Out to Sea and The Shark Cage Fugue from Jaws
11. Marion’s Theme from Raiders of The Lost Ark
12. The Rebellion is Reborn from The Last Jedi
13. Luke & Leia from Return of the Jedi
14. Main Title from Star Wars
15. Nice to be Around from Cinderella Liberty (*)
16. The Duel from The Adventures of Tintin (*)
17. Remembrances from Schindler’s List (*)
18. The Raiders March from Raiders of The Lost Ark (*)
19. The Imperial March from The Empire Strikes Back
20. John Williams and Anne-Sophie Mutter in conversation


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][John Williams – Live in Vienna [Mutter,VPO] 2020][BDMV]43.6G


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