[BD欧美演唱会][罗比·威廉姆斯 Robbie Williams – Live At The Albert 2001][BDMV]18.4G

影片名称 : Robbie Williams : Live at the Albert
文件体积 : 18.4G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

Description :
LIVE AT THE ALBERT, recorded in October 2001, features pop singer extraordinaire Robbie Williams performing tunes from his SWING WHEN YOU’RE WINNING album, backed by a 58-piece orchestra. Songs include “The Lady Is a Tramp,” “Things” (featuring songbird and actress Jane Horrocks), “Well, Did You Evah” (featuring comedian Jon Lovitz), “It Was a Very Good Year,” and “My Way. ” (Nicole Kidman, who recorded the duet “Somethin ‘Stupid” was originally slated to perform the song with the Ego, but she declined at the last minute due to nervousness). Witness Robbie in all his swinging, swaggering glory on this release, which also contains backstage footage and more.

Tracklist :
01. Backstage
02. Intro
03. Have You Met Miss Jones?
04. Mack The Knife
05. Straighten Up And Fly Right
06. Let’s Face The Music And Dance
07. Well, Did You Evah!
08. The Lady Is A Tramp
09. Things
10. One For My Baby
11. Mr. Bojangles
12. I Will Talk And Hollywood Will Listen
13. Do Nothin ‘Till You Hear From Me
14. Beyond The Sea
15. Me And My Shadow
16. Ain’t That A Kick In The Head
17. It Was A Very Good Year
18. My Way
19. Aftershow

Bonuses :
01. Well Swung
02. Gallery
03. Somethin ‘Stupid (Feat. Nicole Kidman)
04. Swing Notes (On / Off)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][罗比·威廉姆斯 Robbie Williams – Live At The Albert 2001][BDMV]18.4G


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