[BD欧美演唱会][海狮合唱团 Marillion-All One Tonight:Live At The Royal Albert Hall 2018][BDMV]42.9GB

英文片名:Marillion – All One Tonight: Live At The Royal Albert Hall
中文片名:演唱会 (2018)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:42.9GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Marillion – All One Tonight: Live At The Royal Albert Hall
Release Date: 2018
Genre: Rock, Prog Rock, Art Rock, Neo Prog
Artist: Steve Hogarth – lead vocals; Steve Rothery – guitars; Mark Kelly – keyboards, backing vocals; Pete Trewavas – bass guitars, backing vocals; Ian Mosley – drums, percussion

■ In two parts, All One Tonight firstly showcases the band’s acclaimed 2016 studio album F E A R in full.
“Accompanied by an awe-inspiring light show and films, Marillion perform their incisive and era-defining zeitgeist with unparalleled passion and power.
“The second half introduces In Praise Of Folly and guests, a string quartet with flute and French horn that throughout the rest of the show inject an extra depth and emotion to some of Marillion’s best-loved live material.”
The concert film was directed and edited by Tim Sidwell and recorded and mixed by Michael Hunter. Also includes documentary, “We Will Make A Show” and screen media from second part of the show.

• BD 1
1 El Dorado
2 Living In Fear
3 The Leavers
4 White Paper
5 The New Kings
6 Tomorrow’s New Country
All One Tonight – Featuring ‘In Praise Of Folly’ & Special Guests
7 The Space
8 Afraid Of Sunlight
9 The Great Escape
10 Easter
11 Go!
12 Man Of A Thousand Faces
13 Waiting To Happen
14 Neverland
15 The Leavers: V.One Tonight


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][海狮合唱团 Marillion-All One Tonight:Live At The Royal Albert Hall 2018][BDMV]42.9GB


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