[BD欧美演唱会][罗比·威廉姆斯 Robbie Williams – One Night at the Palladium 2013][BDMV]28.1G

影片名称 : Robbie Williams – One Night at the Palladium 2013
文件体积 : 28.1G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 TrueHD 5.1 英语 AC3 2.0

Description :

Robbie Williams makes his triumphant return in One Night At The Palladium – a spectacular live show which sees him back on the swing stage a full twelve years after his legendary concert at the Royal Albert Hall.
This special extended release includes 5 unseen performances and an exclusive behind the scenes documentary. Performing a dazzling collection of swing classics including Puttin ‘On The Ritz, Somethin’ Stupid, Mr Bojangles, Ain’t That A Kick In The Head and Mack The Knife.

Tracklist :

01. Puttin On The Ritz
02. Swing Supreme
03. Mr Bojangles
04. Swings Both Ways
05. High Hopes
06. We Could Have Been Anything
07. Soda Pop
08. Dream A Little Dream
09. Minnie The Moocher
10. Go Gentle
11 .No One Likes A Fat Pop Star
12. If I Only Had A Brain
13. I Wan’na Be Like You
14. Somethin ‘Stupid
15. Shine My Shoes
16. Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From Me
17. Creep
18. Ain’t That A Kick In The Head
19. Mack The Knife
20. Reprise

Bonus :
Artwork subject to change
Behind the scenes


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][罗比·威廉姆斯 Robbie Williams – One Night at the Palladium 2013][BDMV]28.1G


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