[BD欧美演唱会][电影原声交响 Fantasymphony 哈利波特, 权力的游戏, 指环王, 纳尼亚… 2019][BDMV]22G

影片名称 : Fantasymphony – Soundtrack From Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Narnia
文件体积 : 22G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

Fantasymphony 2Fantasymphony 3Fantasymphony 4Fantasymphony 5

Fantasymphony 1

The epic battle of good against evil will unfold, when The Danish National Symphony Orchestra supported by troops of choirs and soloists, perform the greatest compositions from the most legendary fantasy films, television series and computer games. Look forward to an ultimate magic concert experience: One concert to rule them all !
With music from Highlander, Harry Potter, Pan’s Labyrinth, Narnia, Willow, World of Warcraft, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings !

Tracklist :

Roger Tailor
01. A Kind of Magic (Highlander)

John Williams
02. Harry’s Wondrous World (Harry Potter)
03. Hedwig’s Theme (Harry Potter)

Javier Navarette
04. Long, Long Time Ago (Pan’s Labyrinth)

Harry Gregson-Williams
05. A Narnian Lullaby (Narnia)
06. Coronation (Narnia)

James Horner
07. Elora Danan’s Birth (Willow)

Russell Brower
08. Invincible (World of Warcraft)

09. Until we go Down (The Shannara Chronicles)

Ed Sheeran
10. Hands of Gold (Game of Thrones)

Ramin Djawadi
11. Rains of Castamere (Game of Thrones)
12. Game of Thrones Suite (Game of Thrones)

Howard Shore
13. Misty Mountain (The Hobbit)
14. The Verse of the Ring (Lord of the Rings)
15. Concerning Hobbits (Lord of the Rings)
16. A Knife in the Dark (Lord of the Rings)

17. May It Be (Lord of the Rings)

Howard Shore
18. The Breaking of the Fellowship (Lord of the Rings)
19. The End of All Things (Lord of the Rings)

Brian May
20. Who Wants to Live Forever (Highlander)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][电影原声交响 Fantasymphony 哈利波特, 权力的游戏, 指环王, 纳尼亚… 2019][BDMV]22G


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