[BD欧美演唱会][瓦格纳歌剧 Richard Wagner:Die Walkure 女武神 2017][4K UHD BDMV]57.5G

影片名称 : Richard Wagner – Die Walküre / Valkyrie
文件体积 : 57.5G
封装格式 : UHD 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 德语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 德语 LPCM 2.0

Richard Wagner – Die Walkure 2017 3Richard Wagner – Die Walkure 2017 4Richard Wagner – Die Walkure 2017 2Richard Wagner – Die Walkure 2017 5

Richard Wagner – Die Walkure 2017 1

Valkyrie (Die Walküre) is a musical drama (opera) by Richard Wagner, the second part of the “Ring of the Nibelungen” tetralogy.
Opera in three acts. The action time is mythological. The scene is the banks of the Rhine. The libretto for the opera, as well as for the entire cycle “Ring of the Nibelungen”, was written by Wagner himself in 1849-1852 in Zurich. Music was created in 1852-1856 in the same place. The opera was first staged on June 26, 1870 in Munich under the baton of Franz Wüllner; Wagner was dissatisfied with this, because he was convinced that the tetralogy should be staged in its entirety, but this idea was realized only in 1876 at the first Bayreuth festival: “Valkyrie” was presented on August 14, conducted by Hans Richter.

Director : Vera Nemirova
Conductor : Christian Thielemann

Artists :
Siegmund – by Peter Seiffert
Hunding – by Georg Zeppenfeld
Wotan – Vitalij Kowaljow / Vitaly Kovalev
by Sieglinde – by Anja Harteros
Brünnhilde – by Anja Kampe
Fricka – by Christa Mayer
Gerhilde – by Johanna Winkel
Ortlinde – the Brit-Tone Müllertz
Waltraute – by Christina Bock
Schwertleite – by Katharina Magiera
Helmwige – the Alexandra Petersamer
Siegrune – Stepanka Pucalkova
Grimgerde – Katrin Wundsam
Roßweiße – Simone Schröder


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][瓦格纳歌剧 Richard Wagner:Die Walkure 女武神 2017][4K UHD BDMV]57.5G


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