[BD欧美演唱会][威尔第歌剧 Giuseppe Verdi:I Due Foscari 福斯卡利父子 2019][4K UHD BDMV]30.1G

影片名称 : Giuseppe Verdi – I Due Foscari / Two Foscary
文件体积 : 30.1G
封装格式 : UHD 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

In his new life as a baritone, Plácido Domingo has triumphed in the role of Francesco Foscari in Los Angeles, London and Vienna. Now he takes to the role to La Scala, Milan, the theater that is the symbol of Italian opera. I due Foscari, premiered in 1844, famously one of Verdis darkest operas, is staged by Alvis Hermanis, who made such an impact at the Salzburg Festival with ‘Die Soldaten’ and ‘Il trovatore’. Domingo is joined by two of Italys most exciting singers, the soprano Anna Pirozzi and the tenor Francesco Meli, and the acclaimed Italian conductor Michele Mariotti. The Financial Times was deeply moved by Domingos performance, calling his interpretation of the role sublime.

Director : Alvis Hermanis
Conductor : Michele Mariotti

Artists :
Francesco Foscari – Plácido Domingo
Jacopo Foscari – Francesco Meli
Lucrezia Contarini – Anna Pirozzi
Jacopo Loredano – Andrea Concetti
Barbarigo – Edoardo Milletti
Pisana – Chiara Isotton
Fante – Azer Rza-Zada
Servant of the Dodgele – Modestčius


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][威尔第歌剧 Giuseppe Verdi:I Due Foscari 福斯卡利父子 2019][4K UHD BDMV]30.1G


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