[BD欧美演唱会][威尔第歌剧 Giuseppe Verdi:Un Ballo in Maschera 假面舞会 2016][4K UHD BDMV]36.8G

影片名称 : Giuseppe Verdi – Un Ballo in Maschera
文件体积 : 36.8G
封装格式 : UHD 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

Munich’s new Ballo in maschera has received much critical acclaim: ‘This production shows what a utopia opera can be’ (Abendzeitung). Ten years after stepping down as music director of the Bavarian State Opera, Zubin Mehta returned to Munich in March 2016 to celebrate his 80th birthday conducting Verdi’s masterpiece for the first time in a staged production. His cast features some of today’s finest Verdi singers: soprano Anja Harteros, singing Amelia for the first time and ‘filling every note with Verdian intensity’, tenor Piotr Beczala as a ‘visually and vocally dashing Riccardo’ and George Petean as an ‘exemplary’ Renato (Neue Musikzeitung). In director Johannes Erath’s super-sensitive new production, this historically-based tale of illicit love, conspiracy and betrayal unfolds in a surrealistic, shadowy setting transformed by lighting and projections.

Director : Johannes Erath

Conductor : Zubin Mehta

Artists :
Riccardo – Piotr Beczala
Renato – George Petean
Amelia – Anja Harteros
Ulrica – Okka von der Damerau
Oscar – Sofia Fomina
Silvano – Andrea Borghini
Samuel – Anatoli Sivko
Tom – Scott Conner
A Judge – Ulrich Reß
Amelia’s Servant – Javua Owen Mills


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][威尔第歌剧 Giuseppe Verdi:Un Ballo in Maschera 假面舞会 2016][4K UHD BDMV]36.8G


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