[BD欧美演唱会][纪录片:电影原声的故事 Score:A Film Music Documentary 2017][BDMV]22.4G

影片名称 : Score : A Film Music Documentary (2017)
文件体积 : 22.4G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 AC3 5.1 英语 AC3 2.0

For a predominately visual medium like cinema, its musical component plays a vital role as well, especially its score. In that essential musical accompaniment, the soul of the film is expressed whether it be sweepingly majestic fanfares or delicate lyrical pieces. This documentary explores the artistic role of this special musical discipline that completes the cinematic artistic creation process and the artists who have devoted their careers to this contribution. We explore the form’s history and examine the masters who defined it with their own distinctive artistic vision. In doing so, the various components of this delicate creative process are revealed as they create a musical compositional work that has inspired a popular appreciation of music in all its forms, which gave some old musical ways their own new lease on life.

Cast :

Hans Zimmer
Bear McCreary
Trevor Rabin
David Newman
Marco Beltrami
Bill Field
Jon Burlingame
Leonard Maltin
Christopher Young
Mervyn Warren
Amos Newman
John Debney
Garry Marshall
James Cameron
Mychael Danna


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][纪录片:电影原声的故事 Score:A Film Music Documentary 2017][BDMV]22.4G


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