[欧美演唱会][Take That – Progress Live 2011][BDMV]38.8G

影片名称 : Take That – Progress Live 2011
文件体积 : 38.8G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 AC3 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

Take That – Progress Live 4Take That – Progress Live 2Take That – Progress Live 5Take That – Progress Live 6Take That – Progress Live 1

Description :

In 2011 Take That embarked on the biggest tour the UK and Ireland had ever seen, breaking all previous records. The Progress Live Tour went through 29 UK stadiums and played to over 1.8 million people. The double disc blu-ray includes the band’s entire epic-live show and a bonus disc featuring exclusive behind the scenes footage, filmed across the 29 UK dates, giving a unique insight into life on the road of one of the most successful bands in UK history.

Tracklist :

01. Rule The World
02. Greatest Day
03. Hold Up A Light
04. Patience
05. Shine
06. Let Me Entertain You
07. Rock DJ
08. Come Undone
09. Feel
10. Angels
11. The Flood
12. SOS
13. Underground Machine
14. Kidz
15. Pretty Things
16. When They Were Young Medley
17. Back For Good
18. Pray
19. Love Love
20. Never Forget
21. No Regrets / Relight My Fire
22. Eight Letters


山雨音乐 » [欧美演唱会][Take That – Progress Live 2011][BDMV]38.8G


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