[BD欧美演唱会][King Crimson – Radical Action To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind 2016]BDMV 38.1G

Title: King Crimson – Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
Release Date: 2016
Genre: Rock, Prog Rock, Art Rock
Artist: Robert Fripp – guitar, soundscapes; Mel Collins – saxophone, flute; Tony Levin – bass, Chapman stick, backing vocals; Pat Mastelotto – acoustic and electric drums and percussion; Gavin Harrison – drums, percussion; Jakko Jakszyk – guitar, lead vocals, flute; Bill Rieflin – drums, percussion, keyboards, backing vocals

• Taken from the 2015 tours of the UK, Canada & Japan, Radical Action represents the most comprehensive release for this incarnation of King Crimson, and will be available as a 3cd/1blu-ray set, and in a 3cd/2dvd/1blu-ray limited edition.
• Radical Action features every song and piece performed by Pat Mastelotto, Bill Rieflin, Gavin Harrison, Mel Collins, Tony Levin, Jakko Jakszyk and Robert Fripp and as Fripp commented last month while supervising mixing, “This is King Crimson… re-imagined”.
• Blu-Ray featuring a complete set-list drawn from Japanese concert performances – almost 3 hours of music – in high-resolution stereo & 5.1 surround audio complete with “picture off” mode allowing the music to be heard independently in pristine, lossless audio. (24/48khz as per original recordings)

1 Threshold Soundscape
2 Larks’ Tongues In Aspic Part One
3 Pictures Of A City
4 Peace
5 Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
6 Meltdown
7 Radical Action II
8 Level Five
9 Epitaph
10 The Hell Hounds Of Krim
11 The ConstruKction Of Light
12 A Scarcity Of Miracles
13 Red
14 Backstage Adventures Of The Crimson Kind
16 Banshee Legs Bell Hassle
17 Easy Money
18 Interlude
19 The Letters
20 Sailor’s Tale
21 The Light Of Day
22 The Talking Drum
23 Larks’ Tongues In Aspic Part Two
24 Starless
25 Devil Dogs Of Tessellation Row
26 The Court Of The Crimson King
27 21st Century Schizoid Man
28 Suitable Grounds For The Blues
29 One More Red Nightmare


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][King Crimson – Radical Action To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind 2016]BDMV 38.1G


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