[BD欧美演唱会][王子 时代标志演唱会鹿特丹现场 Prince – Sign O The Times 1987]BDMV 22.5G

Title: Prince – Sign “☮” the Times
Release Date: 1978/2014 (Remastered)
Genre: Pop Rock, Funk, Soul
Director: Prince
Artist: Prince – Lead Vocals, Piano, Guitar; Miko Weaver – Guitar; Levi Seacer, Jr. – Bass; Matt Fink – Keyboards; Boni Boyer – Keyboards, Organ, Vocals; Sheila E. – Drums, Percussion, Vocals; Eric Leeds – Saxophone; Atlanta Bliss – Trumpet; Cat Glover, Wally Safford, Greg Brooks – Dancers, Vocals

• The Sign o’ the Times Tour was a European tour by Prince. It was the first tour after the split with The Revolution. As Prince’s record sales were doing better in the European market than at home in the United States, Prince chose not to continue the tour into the United States after the European tour, as he was ready to get back into the studio and start a new project. The Sign o’ the Times Tour marks the debut of Prince’s newest band, called the “Lovesexy Band” by most long-time Prince fans.

1 Intro
2 Sign “☮” the Times
3 Play In The Sunshine
4 Little Red Corvette
5 Housequake
6 Slow Love
7 I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man
8 Hot Thing
9 Now’s The Time
10 U Got The Look
11 If I Was Your Girlfriend
12 Forever In My Life
13 It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night
14 The Cross
15 End Credits


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][王子 时代标志演唱会鹿特丹现场 Prince – Sign O The Times 1987]BDMV 22.5G


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