[BD欧美演唱会][The Neal Morse Band Alive Again BD 2016]BDMV 38.3G

Title: The Neal Morse Band – Alive Again
Release Date: 2016
Genre: Rock, Prog Rock, Art Rock
Artist: Neal Morse – Vocals, Keys and Guitar; Mike Portnoy – Drums and Vocals; Randy George – Bass, Bass Pedals, Vocals; Bill Hubauer – Keyboards, Guitar, Clarinet, Sax, Vocals; Eric Gillette – Lead Guitar and Vocals

• Riding on the tremendous success of their breakthrough album, The Grand Experiment, The Neal Morse Band set out on a tremendously successful world tour in the spring of 2015. Neal Morse and Mike Portnoy have teamed up with Randy George, Eric Gillette, and Bill Hubauer to create one of the greatest progressive rock bands of all time. Full stop. The Alive Again package shows them at the top of their form performing for a rousing audience in Holland March 6, 2015.
• “The Neal Morse Band is a force of nature. They have evolved into a great live band, one that is as good as there is in music and they really shine on this live set. The performances here are jaw-dropping and might have you giving a standing ovation from your couch.” –Roie Avin, The Prog Report

1 Alive Again Intro
2 The Call
3 Leviathan
4 The Grand Experiment
5 Harm’s Way
6 Bill’s Keyboard Solo
7 The Creation
8 There Is Nothing That God Can’t Change
9 Waterfall
10 Eric’s Gtr Solo
11 In The Fire
12 Alive Again
13 Rejoice
14 Oh Lord, My God
15 Reunion
16 King Jesus
• Tour Documentary


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