[BD欧美演唱会][Mika Sinfonia Pop 2016]BDMV 27.1G

Title: Mika – Sinfonia Pop
Release Date: 2016
Genre: Pop
Director: Nils Hartmann
Conductor: Simon Leclerc
Artist: Mika & orchestra

• Filmed in the elegant surroundings of the 19th century Teatro Sociale in Como, Italy, this amazing show features MIKA performing all his best-loved songs accompanied by a full orchestra conducted by Simon Leclerc. The show is a perfect fusion of pop and orchestral and includes tracks from his most recent album, the critically acclaimed ‘No Place In Heaven’, alongside hits from across his hugely successful career. As ever, MIKA is a charming and amiable host and is clearly in his element interacting with the orchestra and conductor Simon Leclerc. This is a magical performance captured in beautiful surroundings and not to be missed.

1. Overture
2. Underwater
3. Boum Boum Boum
4. Rain
5. Last Party
6. Overrated
7. Any Other World
8. Love You When I’m Drunk
9. Ordinary Man
10. Heroes
11. Toy Boy
12. Grace Kelly
13. Over My Shoulder
14. Good Guys
15. Make You Happy
16. Happy Ending
17. Origin Of Love
18. Relax, Take It Easy
19. Elle Me Dit
20. Love Today
21. Stardust
• Interviews
– Mika (1080i; 10:16)
– Simon Le Clerc (1080i; 4:31)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Mika Sinfonia Pop 2016]BDMV 27.1G


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