[BD韩国演唱会][防弹少年团 BTS – BTS, THE BEST 2021]BDISO 46.2G

Product Title: BTS, THE BEST [Type A] (ALBUM+BLU-RAY) (初回限定版) (日本版)
Singer Name(s): BTS 防弹少年团
Release Date: 2021-06-16
Publisher Product Code: UICV-9333
Language: Japanese
Disc Format(s): Blu-ray

BTS’s best-of album is packed with 23 hit songs released in Japan since 2017. Beside singles, BTS, THE BEST includes album tracks like Stay Gold and Your eyes tell, not to mention the global hit Dynamite. There is also the new song Film out, a collaboration with back number.
This edition includes a Blu-ray with music videos and making-of videos.

1 Film out Music Video
2 Stay Gold Music Video
3 Lights Music Video
4 Airplane pt.2 -Japanese ver.- Music Video
5 MIC Drop -Japanese ver.- Music Video
6 Blood Sweat & Tears -Japanese ver.- Music Video
7 Making of Jacket Photos
8 Film out Making of Music Video
9 Stay Gold Making of Music Video [Additional Edition]
10 Lights Making of Music Video [Additional Edition]
11 Airplane pt.2 -Japanese ver.- Making of Music Video [Additional Edition]
12 MIC Drop -Japanese ver.- Making of Music Video [Additional Edition]
13 Blood Sweat & Tears -Japanese ver.- Making of Music Video [Additional Edition]


山雨音乐 » [BD韩国演唱会][防弹少年团 BTS – BTS, THE BEST 2021]BDISO 46.2G


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