

2003 02:06:36
01. LOST SOULS – Eastern Aculiim Miser
02. LOST SOULS – Delight
03. DELIGHT – The Fairy Tale
04. DELIGHT- Stained Glass
05. ENTER CHAOS – Industrial Diseases
06. ENTER CHAOS – And the Angels Sing
07. ENTER CHAOS – Lost in Ecstasy
08. GOD DETHRONED – Poison Apple
09. GOD DETHRONED – Art of Immolation
10. GOD DETHRONED – Boiling Blood
11. MARDUK – Azrael
12. MARDUK – Of This Fire
13. MARDUK – Fistfucking
14. THE EXPLOITED – Fuck the System
15. THE EXPLOITED – Beat the Bastards
16. THE EXPLOITED – Sex & Violence
17. ANATHEMA – Release
18. ANATHEMA – Phantom of the Opera
19. ANATHEMA – A Dying Wish
20. VADER – Carnal
21. VADER – Silent Empire
22. OPETH – Deliverance
23. SAXON – Princess of the Night
24. SAMAEL -SuperKarma
25. SAMAEL -One Who Came Before
26. SAMAEL- Black Trip

2004 01:56:57
01. Trauma – Unableito React
02. Trauma – Hidden Seed
03. Trauma – Dust (Kill Me)
04. Esqarial feat. Grzegors Kupczyk – Requiem
05. Esqarial feat. Grzegors Kupczyk – The Timequake
06. Esqarial feat. Grzegors Kupczyk – Pure Formality
07. Krisiun – Dawn of Flagellation
08. Krisiun – Murderer
09. Enslaved – The Dead Stare
10. Enslaved – As Fire Swept Clean theiEarth
11. Enslaved – The Crossing
12. MSG – Lights Out
13. MSG – Arachnophobia
14. MSG – Into theiArena
15. Tiamat – The Sleeping Beauty
16. TSA – Proceder
17. TSA – 51
18. TSA – Kocica
19. Moonspell – Alma Mater
20. Moonspell – Vampiria
21. Moonspell – Mephisto
22. Soulfly – Prophecy
23. Soulfly – Jumpdafuckup/Bring It

2005 01:59:07 + 00:14:39 + 00:48:10 + 00:16:38
01. DARZAMAT – “Storm”
02. DIES IRAE – “Intro/Beyond All Dimensions”
03. DIES IRAE – “The Hunger”
04. ANJ – “Set on Fire”
05. ANJ – “Power to Destroy”
06. AMON AMARTH – “Fate of Norns”
07. AMON AMARTH – “Death in Fire”
08. DARK FUNERAL – “Ravenna Strigoi Mortii”
09. DARK FUNERAL – “Secrets of the Black Art”
10. DARK FUNERAL – “Goddess of Sodomy”
11. DARK FUNERAL – “Armageddon”
12. THE HAUNTED – “99”
13. THE HAUNTED – “Abysmal”
14. THE HAUNTED – “Nothing’s Right”
15. PAIN – “Dancing with the Dead”
16. PAIN – “Shut Your Mouth”
17. ARCTURUS – “Painting My Horror”
18. ARCTURUS – “Ad Absurdum”
19. TURBO – “Szalony Ikar”
20. TURBO – “Legenda Thora”
21. TURBO – “Kawaleria Szatana I”
22. NAPALM DEATH – “Continuing War On Stupidity”
23. NAPALM DEATH – “Next on the List”
24. NAPALM DEATH – “Silence is Deafening”
25. APOCALYPTICA – “Bittersweet”
26. APOCALYPTICA – “Betrayal”
27. APOCALYPTICA – “Seek & Destroy”

Vesania – Marduke’s Mazemerising
Hieronymus Bosch – The Apogee
Hieronymus Bosch – Blind Window Stare
Hunter – P?ytki Do?ek
1349 – Nathicana
1349 – Chasing Dragons
1349 – Satanic Propaganda
Acid Drinkers – Life Hurts More Than Death
Acid Drinkers – Human Bazooka
Acid Drinkers – I F**k the Violence
Nevermore – Final Product
Nevermore – The Heart Collector
Nevermore – Enemies Of Reality
Moonspell – Wolfshade
Moonspell – Opium
Moonspell – Awake
Anathema – Balance
Anathema – Closer
Anathema – A Natural Disaster
Therion – Seven Secrets of the Sphinx
Therion – Asgard
Therion – Siren of the Woods

1. Korpiklaani -Tuli Kokko
2. Korpiklaani – Pellonpekko
3. Korpiklaani – Wooden Pints
4. Crystal Abyss – Darkness Awakes
5. Darzamat – Labyrinth of Anxiety
6. Darzamat – The Burning Times
7. Zyklon – Underdog
8. Zyklon – Wrenched
9. Zyklon – Psyklon Aeon
10. Vital Remains – Intro – Let the Killing Begin
11. Vital Remains – Dechristianize
12. Vital Remains – Infidel
13. Entombed – When In Sodom
14. Entombed – Carnage
15. Entombed – Revel In Flesh
16. Destruction – Total Disaster
17. Destruction – Bestial Invasion
18. Destruction – Nailed to the Cross
19. Blaze Bayley – Alive
20. Blaze Bayley – Kill & Destroy
21. Blaze Bayley – Sign of the Cross
22. Sepultura – Convicted in Life
23. Sepultura – False
24. Sepultura – Dead.Embrionic .Cells
25. Paradise Lost – Say Just Words
26. Testament – The Preacher
27. Testament – The New Order
28. Testament – The Haunting
29. Testament – Electric Crown
30. Testament – D.N.R.

2008 02:32:21; 01:03:26; 00:17:03
Inside You
01. Roam in Darkness
02. Before the Abyss
03. Heathen Tribes
04. God to the Godless
05. Hate’s Plague
06. Passion Hill
07. World Agony
Flotsam & Jetsam
08. The Master Sleeps
09. Fork Boy
10. Escape from Within
11. Into the Universe
12. Khomaniac
13. Terror Squad
14. Baptism by Fire
15. Materialized in Stone
16. Limbs of Worshi
17. Sothis
18. Reign Forever World
19. Now, Diabolical
20. K.I.N.G
21. Necroshine
22. Rotten to the Core
23. Bastard Nation
24. Fuck You
The Dillinger Escape Plan
25. Panasonic Youth
26. Milk Lizard
27. Sunshine the Werewolf
28. Washington Is Next
29. Gears of War
30. A Tout Le Monde
31. Burnt Ice
Interview 01:03:26
Photo Gallery 00:17:03
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