[2007][美国]《Crossroads Guitar Festival》[MP4][5.32GB]BT下载

Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

  Disc 1
  * Introduction – Bill Murray
  * Uberesso – Sonny Landreth
  * Hell At Home – Sonny Landreth with Eric Clapton
  * Maharina – John McLaughlin
  * Rosie – Doyle Bramhall II
  * Outside Woman Blues – Doyle Bramhall II
  * Little By Little – Susan Tedeschi with The Derek Trucks Band
  * Anyday – The Derek Trucks Band
  * Highway 61 Revisited – Johnny Winter with The Derek Trucks Band
  * Nobodysoul – Robert Randolph & The Family Band
  * Poor Johnny – The Robert Cray Band
  * Dirty Work At The Crossroads – Jimmie Vaughan with The Robert Cray Band
  * Sitting On Top Of The World – Hubert Sumlin with The Robert Cray Band & Jimmie Vaughan
  * Paying The Cost To Be The Boss – B.B. King with The Robert Cray Band with Jimmie Vaughan & Hubert Sumlin
  * Rock Me Baby – B.B. King with The Robert Cray Band with Jimmie Vaughan & Hubert Sumlin
  * Sweet Thing – Vince Gill
  * Country Boy – Albert Lee with Vince Gill
  * If It Makes You Happy – Sheryl Crow with Vince Gill & Albert Lee
  * Tulsa Time – Sheryl Crow with Eric Clapton, Vince Gill & Albert Lee
  * Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain – Willie Nelson with Vince Gill & Albert Lee
  * On the Road Again – Willie Nelson with Sheryl Crow, Vince Gill & Albert Lee
  Disc 2
  * Belief – John Mayer
  * Gravity – John Mayer
  * Don’t Worry Baby – Los Lobos
  * Mas y Mas – Los Lobos
  * Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers – Jeff Beck
  * Big Block – Jeff Beck
  * Tell the Truth – Eric Clapton
  * Isn’t It A Pity – Eric Clapton
  * Little Queen of Spades – Eric Clapton
  * Who Do You Love – Robbie Robertson with Eric Clapton
  * Presence Of The Lord – Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton
  * Can’t Find My Way Home – Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton
  * Had To Cry Today – Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton
  * Dear Mr. Fantasy – Steve Winwood
  * Crossroads – Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood
  * Mary Had A Little Lamb – Buddy Guy
  * Damn Right I’ve Got The Blues – Buddy Guy
  * Sweet Home Chicago – Buddy Guy with Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, John Mayer, Hubert Sumlin, Jimmie Vaughan & Johnny Winter


山雨音乐 » [2007][美国]《Crossroads Guitar Festival》[MP4][5.32GB]BT下载


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