Baby Bash/Bruce Bang《Sidewayz》[FLAC/MP3]

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Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

Girl you aint ****** with no light weight

Let daddy pleasure you the right way

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

The struggles real, to pay your bills you work that 9 to 5

Its time to roll up girl lets blow up some of this cherry pie

And we’re gonna pour up let me show you some of the things you like

Let me help you unwind

You feelin super sexy when you offer a glass of wine

You on that earl stevens boo you lookin freaky fine

I wanna feel your nature, take your body, free your mind

And give it to you real and raw, dog you everytime

Yeah I know I smell like keef cuz we had to go and chief

Yeah she loves to get butt naked elevated in the sheets

And she loves to show me peaks and she loves to show me valleys

Got her body turned out when I make her work out then fly her back to Cali

I’ll be grippn on that butt like I was grippn on some grain

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

But you aint ****** with no light weight

Let daddy pleasure you the right way

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

The struggles real, to pay your bills you work that 9 to 5

Its time to roll up girl lets blow up some of this cherry pie

And we’re gonna pour up let me show you some of the things you like

Let me help you unwind

Girl I all about that action

so you know what’s going on there

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

But you aint ****** with no light weight(****** with no light weight)

Let daddy pleasure you the right way(the right way)

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz(please please sideway)

The struggles real, to pay your bills you work that 9 to 5

Its time to roll up girl lets blow up some of this cherry pie

And we’re gonna pour up let me show you some of the things you like

Let me help you unwind

And ******* me in the right way cause that’s what you do

Sidewayz sidewayz sidewayz

Sidewayz sidewayz sidewayz

Baby give it to me my way

Let me give it to you sidewayz

But you aint ****** with no light weight

Let daddy pleasure you the right way

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz

But you aint ****** with no light weight

Let daddy pleasure you the right way

Girl let me give it to you sidewayz


山雨音乐 » Baby Bash/Bruce Bang《Sidewayz》[FLAC/MP3]


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