Charlie Puth/Dan + Shay《That’s Not How This Works》[FLAC/MP3]

钻石免费 永久钻石免费


Thought, the day you disappeared, that it was over

本以为 你消失的时日 已然完结

Didn’t even hear you leavin’

那时 我连你离开的声响都没听见

Saw you with someone and thought that it was closure

见你与他人一起 以为那即为情感的终章

But you still tell me that you need me

可你仍对我说 你需要我

Baby, why?

宝贝 为何

Tell me, why can’t you just make up your mind?

请告诉我 为何你仍无法下定决心

Quit messin’ with my head


You can’t say you hate me, then call me when you’re hurt

你不能在对我倾吐怨言后 于你心伤之际 又致电于我

Baby, you know that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works

宝贝 你要明白 这一切不应该是这样发展的 情况本不应该如此难堪

You can’t walk away, then come back to what we were

你不能离开后 又再度回归你我曾经

Baby, you know that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works, oh

宝贝 你要明白 这一切不应该是这样发展的

No, no, no, no, oh, no, no, no, no

不 不 不 不 噢 不 不 不 不

Baby, that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works, oh

宝贝 事情本不该如此 一切不该如此发展

Stop reminding me of when we said forever

别再使我回想起 你我曾经说下的“永远”

I know exactly what you’re doing

对你你的所作所为 我全了然于心

When you say you need to drop off all my sweaters

当你说 你需要还回我所有毛衣时

It’s just one of your excuses


Baby, why?

宝贝 为何

Tell me, why can’t you just make up your mind?

请告诉我 为何你仍无法下定决心

Quit messin’ with my head


You can’t say you hate me, then call me when you’re hurt

你不能在对我倾吐怨言后 于你心伤之际 又致电于我

Baby, you know that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works

宝贝 你要明白 这一切不应该是这样发展的 情况本不应该如此难堪

You can’t walk away, then come back to what we were

你不能离开后 又再度回归你我曾经

Baby, you know that’s not how this works, no

宝贝 你要明白 事情不应该是这样发展的

Don’t say that you’re in love with me (Say that you’re in love)

别再说什么 你爱上了我

‘Cause I know it’s not what you mean

因为我深知 这并非你本意

You can’t say you hate me, then call me when you’re hurt

你不能在对我倾吐怨言后 于你心伤之际 又致电于我

Baby, you know that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works

宝贝 你要明白 这一切不应该是这样发展的 情况本不应该如此难堪

You can’t walk away, then come back to what we were

你不能离开后 又再度回归你我曾经

Baby, you know that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works, oh

宝贝 你要明白 这一切不应该是这样发展的

No, no, no, no, oh, no, no, no, no

不 不 不 不 噢 不 不 不 不

Baby, that’s not how this works, no, that’s not how this works, oh

宝贝 事情本不该如此 一切不该如此发展

No, no, no, no, oh, no, no, no, no

不 不 不 不 噢 不 不 不 不

Baby, that’s not how this works

宝贝 事情本不该如此难堪


山雨音乐 » Charlie Puth/Dan + Shay《That’s Not How This Works》[FLAC/MP3]


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