
钻石免费 永久钻石免费



It was a fair Sunday morning you did text me and say

You think it’s time to stop this nonsense

I’m like oh oh oh wait

I do appreciate you being so brave

But what 7 you say huh

You said you’ve had enough and sick of me

Can’t stand me no more

Why I’m always sassy classy I’m a queen okay

Thought you knew me better than this baby

So what 7 you say

I guess it’s over now it’s over now

It’s not like I can’t live without you anyway

I’ll give you space you big disgrace

Hurry up and get yo a** going out of my way

It’s over now it’s over now

Go ahead and see the world oh as you may

I just wanna say

Well the following is a hella polite cantonese phrase

Dew nay

As in the morning dew you know dew nay

As in the shakespearean no you know dew nay

Dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew

It means good bye and have a very nice day

Oh it was a fair Wednesday morning you did meet me

And say

Oh you the fairest little princess so much wit energy

Oh I’m more like the evil queen ok

You laughed insane dafuq

You said you see the good in me and wanna save me

From hate

I didn’t ask for you to change me or to judge me ok

Bashing me is not a game

No it’s not okay

But it’s over now it’s over now

Throw me into the fire like it’s judgement day

I’ll give you space big f**king space

Go ahead you self-righteous go masturbate

Hands off me now hands off me now

Cos you no matter for me now

But I still wanna say

Well the following is the same cantonese phrase



山雨音乐 » 樹妮妮Serrini《不要那清晨露水》[Hi-Res][FLAC]


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