周兴哲《No one like you》[Hi-Res][FLAC]

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In the first time of my life

I have never felt the way I did

There’s something about you and I

That pulls us into something true

Sunday hikes and morning bikes

Little things that makes me feel just right

I thought I knew what love was like

But then you show me what was right

Cause as I look back

To all the good times

Baby baby in my eyes

Oh you are paradise

Cause as I look back

Oh you are everything I love

And I will be right here for you

And there will be no one

No one else like you

In the first time of my life

I have never felt the way I did

There’s something about you and I

That pulls us into something true

Sunday hikes and morning bikes

Little things that makes me feel just right

I thought I knew what love was like

But then you show me what was right

Cause as I look back

To all the good times

Baby baby in my eyes

Oh you are paradise

Cause as I look back

Oh you are everything I love

And I will be right here for you

And there will be no one

No one else like you

Cause as I look back

Oh you are everything I love

And I will be right here for you

And there will be no one

No one else like you


山雨音乐 » 周兴哲《No one like you》[Hi-Res][FLAC]


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