Asketa & Natan Chaim、Jess Ball《No Crime》[FLAC/mp3]

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She’s not what you want

I saw you lookin’ at me your eyes undress me

Hoping for 1 on 1

I know that you wanna hit it

She’s not in your head

The way that you smile and the way you’re waiting

Picture me in your bed

I know that you wanna hit it

We got no time to lose

We should get it on while I’m in the mood

Tell me what you wanna do

Baby ’cause I want you too

Real life ain’t no crime

Really wanna make you mine

Spend it on a Summer time

I know that you wanna hit it

You’re you’re in her eye

I bet you wanna do me right

Spend it on a Summer time

I know that you wanna hit it

I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you

I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you

I know that you wanna hit it

Hot steam atmosphere

Buy me a drink so we can pick it up from here

Throw me heavily

I know that you wanna hit it

I’m so any f**k

Dirty little thoughts in your head and my head

So much to explore

I know that you wanna hit it

We got no time to lose

We should get it on while I’m in the mood

Tell me what you wanna do

Baby ’cause I want you too

Real life ain’t no crime

Really wanna make you mine

Spend it on a Summer time

I know that you wanna hit it

You’re you’re in her eye

I bet you wanna do me right

Spend it on a Summer time

I know that you wanna hit it

I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you

I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you

I know that you wanna hit it

We got no time to lose

We should get it on while I’m in the mood

Tell me what you wanna do

Baby ’cause I want you too

Real life ain’t no crime

Really wanna make you mine

Spend it on a Summer time

Real life ain’t no crime

Really wanna make you mine

Spend it on a Summer time

I know that you wanna hit it

I know that you wanna hit it

I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you

I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you wanna hit it

Real life

I know that you I know that you

I know that you


山雨音乐 » Asketa & Natan Chaim、Jess Ball《No Crime》[FLAC/mp3]


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