Mariah Carey,Boyz II Men《One Sweet Day》[DSF DSD]

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Sorry I never told you

All I wanted to say

And now it’s too late to hold you

‘Cause you’ve flown away

So far away

Never had I imagined

Living without your smile

Feeling and knowing you hear me

It keeps me alive


And I know you’re shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we’ve lost along the way

And I know eventually we’ll be together


One sweet day

Darling I never showed you

Assumed you’d always be there

I took your presence for granted

But I always cared

But I always cared

And I miss the love we shared

And I know you’re shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we’ve lost along the way

And I know eventually we’ll be together

One sweet day

Although the sun will never shine the same

I’ll always look to a brighter day

Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep

You will always listen as I pray

And I know you’re shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we’ve lost along the way

And I know eventually we’ll be together

One sweet day

And I know you’re shining down on me from Heaven

Like so many friends we’ve lost along the way

And I know eventually we’ll be together

One sweet day

Sorry I never told you

All I wanted to say


山雨音乐 » Mariah Carey,Boyz II Men《One Sweet Day》[DSF DSD]


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