黄翠珊《I\’m Easy》[DSF DSD]

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It’s not my way to love you just when no one’s looking
It’s not my way to take your hand if I’m not sure
It’s not my way to let you see what’s going on inside of me
When it’s love you won’t be needing you’re not free
Please stop pulling at my sleeve if you’re just playing
If you won’t take the things you make me want to give
I never cared too much for games and this one’s driving me insane
You’re not half as free to wander as you claim
But I’m easy I’m easy
Give the word I’ll play your game
As though that’s how it ought to be because I’m easy
Don’t lead me on if there’s nowhere for you to take me
If loving you would have to be a sometime thing
I can’t put bars on my insides my love is something I can’t hide
It still hurts when I recall the times I try
But I’m easy yeah I’m easy
Take my hand and pull me down
I won’t put up any fight because I’m easy
Don’t do me favours let me watch you from a distance
Cause when you’re near I find it hard to keep my head
And when your eyes throw light at mine it’s enough to change my mind
Makes me leave my cautious words and ways behind
That’s why I’m easy yeah I’m easy
Say you want me I’ll come running without taking time to think
Cause I’m easy yeah I’m easy
Take my hand and pull me down
I won’t put up any fight
Because I’m easy yeah I’m easy


山雨音乐 » 黄翠珊《I\’m Easy》[DSF DSD]


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