玛丽亚·凯莉《I Still Believe》[DSF DSD]

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I still believe

You look in my eyes

And I get emotional inside

I know it’s crazy but you still can touch my heart

And after all this time you think that I

I wouldn’t feel the same

But time melted to nothing and nothing has changed

I still believe

Someday you and me

Will find ourselves

In love again

I had a dream

Someday you and me

Will find ourselves

In love again

Each day of my life

I’m filled with all the joy I could find

You know

That I am not the desperate type

If there’s one spark of hope left in my grasp

I’ll hold it with both hands

It’s worth the risk of burning

To have a second chance

No no no no no no

I need you baby

I still believe that we can be together


If we believe that true love never has to end

Then we must know that we will love again

I still believe (Yeah)

Someday you and me

Will find ourselves

In love again (Oh baby yeah)

I had a dream

Someday you and me (You and me)

Will find ourselves

In love again

I still believe (Ooh baby I do)

Someday you and me (Just give me one more try)

In love again

I had a dream (I miss your love)

Someday you and me

Will find ourselves

In love again

I still believe (Yeah I still believe)

Someday you and me (Baby yeah)


山雨音乐 » 玛丽亚·凯莉《I Still Believe》[DSF DSD]


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