黄翠珊《Sometimes When We Touch》

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You ask me if I love you

And I choke on my reply

I’d rather hurt you honestly

Than missed you with a lie

And who am I to judge you

On what you say or do

I’m only just beginning

To see the real you

And somtimes when we touch

The honesty is too much

And I have to close my eyes and hide

I wanna hold you till I die

Till we both break down and cry

I wanna hold you till the fear in me subside

Romance and all it’s strategy

Leaves me battling with my pride

But through the insecurity

Some tendeness survives

I’m just another writer

Still trapped within my truth

A hesiltant prize fighter

Still trapped within my youth

And somtimes when we touch

The honesty is too much

And I have to close my eyes and hide

I wanna hold you till I die

Till we both break down and cry

I wanna hold you till the fear in me subside

At times I’d like to break you

And drive you to your knees

At times I’d like to break through

And hold you endlessly

At times I understand you

And I know how hard you try

I’ve watched while love come mets you

And I’ve watched love pass you by

At times I think we’re drifters

Still searching for a friend

A brother or a sister

But then the passion flares again

And sometimes when we touch

The honesty is too much

And I have to close my eyes and hide

I wanna hold you till I die

Till we both break down and cry

I wanna hold you till the fear in me subside


山雨音乐 » 黄翠珊《Sometimes When We Touch》


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