王若琳《Tikiville》[DSF DSD]

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Let us head on down to Tikiville

Roll your windows down in Tikiville

And I think everybody here is

Just a little tipsy but it’s quite alright

Are you sure I think that’s a gallon

Like a frat boy party yes it’s quite alright

Wear your funny hats to Tikiville

Raise your martini glass in Tikiville

What you say that you lost your job ay

Well we really don’t care but let’s toast to that

What you say that she broke your heart ay

I can’t say that I care yes let’s toast to that

All day long they only eat cocktail onions

And the olives that sit in their glass

Malnourished but totally intoxicated

That’s where I want to be yes Tikiville here I come Tikiville here I come

What you say that you lost your job ay

Well we really don’t care but let’s toast to that

All day long they dance and they sing irish tunes

As they down each mug after mug

All their woes and troubles are no longer there

However now their liver functions aren’t so good not so good not so good

My goodness all the girls and boys here

Down in Tikiville are so beautiful

Can I be like a Tikivillian

Well that’s very easy let me sip my wine

So now I’ve become Tikivillian

I drink my champagne down in Tikiville


山雨音乐 » 王若琳《Tikiville》[DSF DSD]


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